

Arctic Cross-Copernicus forecast products for sea ice and iceBERGs (ACCIBERG) Contrary to sea-ice state and forecasts, there is little information about icebergs available publicly except for the area around Newfoundland, Labrador Sea and the southern tip of Greenland. Even in…



The complex and multi-stakeholder nature of today’s maritime domain, combined with contemporary technology developments such as global connectivity has the potential to facilitate significant data collection within a realm which has been relatively untapped until now. When applied to remote…

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A team of experts in weather and climate prediction from 15 research institutes, operational centres and universities in eight European countries contributed to the success of APPLICATE – an AWI-led European project aimed at improving predictive capacity on polar regions…



The goal of the ARCOS project is to design and implement an early-warning system named ARCOS (Arctic Observatory for Copernicus SEA Service) providing continuous monitoring of the Arctic region. Designed to generate actionable products in the security domain by processing…

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Innovation platforms for Arctic and North Atlantic security: The provision of new research and innovation programmes contribute substantially to successful interactions between security and emergency response institutions in the Arctic and the North Atlantic (ANA). In this context, the EU-funded ARCSAR…



The Arctic is more affected by climate warming than any other region. To monitor the ongoing changes, to predict the evolution of the climate system and to develop mitigation measures, we need a coherent system of Earth Observation.

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The Arctic today faces extraordinary pressures, with globalisation and climate change combining to drive change at an unprecedented rate. The opening up of new economic sectors, including mining and mass tourism, alongside the industrialisation of many traditional livelihoods, such as…

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ARICE (Arctic Research Icebreaker Consortium: A strategy for meeting the needs for marine-based research in the Arctic) is a project financed by the EU HORIZON2020 RIA Research and Innovation action on the topic “Integrating Activities for Starting Communities”. ARICE joins…

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Beyond EPICA

Using ice-core information of the past to face climate change of the present and the future. To design effective mitigation and adaptation strategies to the current man-made climate change and improve our ability to predict future climate changes, we need…

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The overall objective of Blue-Action was to actively improve our ability to describe, model, and predict Arctic climate change and its impact on Northern Hemisphere climate, weather and their extremes, and to deliver valued climate services of societal benefit. In…



The focus of the project is to support the development of standards, guidelines and practices for environmental protection, economic development and other activities in the Arctic. There is growing human presence and footprint in the Arctic combined with a dramatic…



CERTAINTY: Cloud-aERosol inTeractions & their impActs IN The earth sYstem The recent decade has seen an unprecedented acceleration in climate change and related weather extremes. Significant questions remain regarding how aerosol-cloud-radiation interactions control and modify these events. CERTAINTY aims to…