SO-CHIC (Southern Ocean Carbon and Heat Impact on Climate): To understand and quantify variability of heat and carbon budgets in the Southern Ocean through an investigation of the key processes controlling exchanges between the atmosphere, ocean and sea ice using a combination of observational and modelling approaches.

The Southern Ocean is responsible for more than 60 % of the excess heat associated with anthropogenic climate change absorbed by the world’s oceans each year. By controlling heat and carbon exchanges between the atmosphere and the ocean, it regulates the global climate. However, little is known about the underlying processes. To contribute to reducing uncertainties in climate change predictions, the EU-funded SO-CHIC project will quantify variability of heat and carbon budgets in the Southern Ocean through an investigation of the key processes controlling exchanges between the atmosphere, ocean and sea ice using a combination of observational and modelling approaches. It will combine observation with existing decades-long time series and state-of-the-art modelling.


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Patrick Gorringe 

Data Management Task Group



Antonio Novellino

Data Management Task Group