

CERTAINTY: Cloud-aERosol inTeractions & their impActs IN The earth sYstem The recent decade has seen an unprecedented acceleration in climate change and related weather extremes. Significant questions remain regarding how aerosol-cloud-radiation interactions control and modify these events. CERTAINTY aims to…



CRiceS: Climate relevant interactions and feedbacks: Sea ice is an integral, changing part of the global Earth system. The polar climate system affects lives and livelihoods across the world by regulating climate and weather; providing ecosystem services; and regulating the ability…

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EU-PolarNet 2

EU-PolarNet 2 is the world’s largest consortium of expertise and infrastructure for Polar Research. It brings together the expertise and knowledge of 25 partners from all 21 European and Associated Countries with substantial Polar activities. EU-PolarNet 2 – “Coordinating and co-designing the…

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European Polar Board (EPB)

The EPB is an independent organisation that focuses on major European strategic priorities in both the Arctic and the Antarctic regions. Current EPB membership includes research institutes, funding agencies, scientific academies and polar operators from across Europe. The EPB envisions…

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OCEAN:ICE will assess the impacts of key Antarctic Ice Sheet and Southern Ocean processes on Planet Earth, via their influence on sea level rise, deep water formation, ocean circulation and climate. An innovative and ambitious combination of observations and numerical…



POLARIN: POLAR RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE NETWORK POLARIN’s overall aim is to provide efficient and customised research infrastructure services to address the scientific challenges of the polar regions, including fully funded “transnational access” to a wide portfolio of complementary and interdisciplinary top…



PolarRES (Polar Regions in the Earth System) is an €8 million project, financed by the EU’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme for a period of 4 years beginning in September 2021. The PolarRES consortium consists of 17 partners from…

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The polar oceans are important regulators of the global climate system. They are also among the ecosystems most impacted by warming. This has implications for the ecosystem services they provide for society. Two essential services include a unique biodiversity and…

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A closer look at the interactions between atmosphere, ocean and ice sheets: Sea level rise (SLR) due to climate change is a serious global threat that is caused by land ice loss and ocean thermal expansion. It also results in…



Blue Carbon production, export and sequestration in emerging polar ecosystems (SEA-Quester) The objectives of SEA-Quester are to document the biodiversity, primary production and function of emerging polar and sub-polar marine ecosystems and to quantify their carbon sequestration–accounting for biomasses, fluxes…

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