CERTAINTY: Cloud-aERosol inTeractions & their impActs IN The earth sYstem

The recent decade has seen an unprecedented acceleration in climate change and related weather extremes. Significant questions remain regarding how aerosol-cloud-radiation interactions control and modify these events.

CERTAINTY aims to deliver the knowledge and models that provide improved confidence and representation of the role of cloud–aerosol-radiation interactions in climate and weather. This translates to better understanding and predictions of extreme events and facilitates planning climate mitigation and adaptation strategies for the good of the society.

CERTAINTY strives to refine and use observations and models to understand and describe the intricate interactions between clouds and aerosols within climate and weather systems. Emerging observation technologies are being launched to increase our understanding of aerosol-cloud interactions. It is expected that the new EarthCare satellite will be launched soon and will provide new, more accurate satellite-based observations of clouds, aerosols, and radiation. In addition, observational infrastructures provide global coverage of the properties of the atmosphere. This data will be the main source of data for complex computer modelling used for predicting and understanding the role clouds and aerosol to weather and climate.


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Jennie Thomas
Project Coordinator
Harri Kokkola
Scientific Coordinator