Policy Advice Task Group
This is a new Task Group formed December 2020.
It’s primary aim will be to coordinate messages from member projects to policy makers, primarily in the European Commission.
The Policy Advice Task Group lead is Nicole Biebow, AWI (EU-PolarNet and ARICE), and co-lead is Gustav Sigeman, Uppsala University (JUSTNORTH)
This group:
- Includes points of contact for advice representing the expertise of their respective EU Polar Cluster project;
- Will promote a close cooperation between the EU Polar Cluster projects in organising policy briefings or other joint actions.
- To provide fast responses as required to the EC and national decision makers to address any urgent needs and demands for scientific advice;
- To transfer scientific knowledge to regional, national and EU-level policymakers to contribute to evidence-based decision making;
- To interactwith all EU Polar Cluster projects to utilise their expertise for policy advice.
Plans for joint activities
- Used the pool of expertise in the Cluster to support your projects own events/plans;
- Gain more attention by jointly organising Policy briefings or Town Hall Meetings to inform decision makers on Polar topics of high political relevance;
- Consider to jointly produce briefing documents and/orthematicfact sheets targeted to policy makers.
Policy Advice Task Group representatives for the projects are:
Barcelona Supercomputing Centre |
Icelandic Coast Guard |
Joint Rescue Coordination Centre Norway emmi.susanna.ikonen@jrcc-bodoe.no |
Boku ivana.zivojinovic@boku.ac.at |
Boku jerbelle.elomina@boku.ac.at |
University of Lapland leena.suopajarvi.ulapland.fi |
Volker Rachold AWI Arctic Office |
Alfred Wegener Institute |
Institute of Polar Sciences National Research Council of Italy |
Danish Meteorological Institute |
Danish Meteorological Institute chb@dmi.dk |
NERSC hanne.sagen@nersc.no |
Finnish Meteorological Institute risto.makkonen@fmi.fi |
Technical University of Denmark |
GRID-Arendal tina.schoolmeester@grida.no |
European Polar Board |
Spanish Polar Committee |
Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme Secretariat |
Alfred Wegener Institute, Hemholtz Centre for Polar Research anneli.strobel@awi.de |
Nordland Research Institute |
Stockholm University |
EuroGOOS |
Lund University |
Nord University |
Met Norway |
NORCE prmo@norceresearch.no |
CNRS – IGE amelie.bataille@univ.grenoble-alpes.fr |