
ASSW 2021

Cluster projects submitted several sessions to ASSW  – the Arctic Science Sumit Week, held online in March 2021. Some of these were individual projects, and some were collaborative sessions.  Type Projects Details When Links Workshop  KEPLER Enhancing Copernicus 2.0 information products…

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ASSW 2022

ASSW 2022 Cluster projects submitted several sessions to ASSW 2022  – the Arctic Science Sumit Week, held online in late March/early April 2022. Some of these were individual projects, and some were collaborative sessions.  Type  Cluster Members Details When Link Planning…

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YouTube The EU Polar Cluster now has its own YouTube channel in connection with the European Polar Board account. The EU-PolarNet2 webinars have already been added onto a playlist named “Webinars” and are ready to be viewed! Also, the latest policy briefing video…

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Member events and sessions

This page shows individual project sessions, webinars, and workshops. Collaborative sessions at major conferences etc. are listed separately, with more detail and links to session outputs.   Upcoming Cluster project events   BLUE-ACTION Climate Coffees – two Climate Coffees per…

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The EU Polar Cluster work together to increase our impact, minimise travel, and engage a wider range of stakeholders. EU Polar Cluster members, please directly add your news & events to polarcatalyst.eu      {source}<iframe id=”catFrame” src=”https://polarcatalyst.eu/news-feed” style=”border: 0; overflow: scroll;”…

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Social Media

Member Name EU Polar Cluster @EUpolarCluster#EUPolarCluster#EUArcticCluster @EUPolarCluster EU Polar Cluster @eupolarcluster AI-ARC @AIARC2 ai-arc-project @aiarcproject ARCOS @ArcosH2020 ARCOS ArcSAR @ARCSARNETWORK @arcsarnetwork arcsar-project @arcsarnetwork ArcticPASSION @arctic_passion @arcticpassion arctic-passion @arctic_passion ArcticHubs @ArcticHUBS arctichubs Beyond-EPICA @OldestIce @OldestIce @beyondepica_oldestice CERTAINTY @CERTAINTY_ACI CERTAINTY-ACI CHARTER @CharterArctic…

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