ASSW 2022

ASSW 2022

Cluster projects submitted several sessions to ASSW 2022  – the Arctic Science Sumit Week, held online in late March/early April 2022. Some of these were individual projects, and some were collaborative sessions. 

Type  Cluster Members Details When Link
Planning Meeting  EU-PolarNet2 EU-PolarNet is a Coordination and Support Action project funded by the European Commission to provide a platform for co-developing strategies to advance the European Polar Research action and support the establishment of a European Polar Research Area.


14:00-18:00 CEST

Workshop Arctic PASSION

Establishing the Distributed Biological Observatory System in the Atlantic Sector of the Arctic Ocean 

We need a comprehensive marine observing system for climate and environment on the Atlantic side of the Arctic Ocean. The successful and well-established collaborative Distributed Biological Observatory (DBO) in the Pacific Arctic sector is an inspirational starting point for a better-integrated system also on the Atlantic side.


9:00-15:30 CEST


Webinar presenting results from the INTAROS H2020 Project 2016-2022

The session will present selected results from INTAROS project, which has recently been completed. The the objective of INTAROS has been to develop, improve and extend Arctic observing systems for atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere and terrestrial sciences with focus on in situ systems (, 


9:00-13:00 CEST

Poster SIOS

Science Day 2022 Poster session

Poster presented by Shridhar Jawak: Earth observation and remote sensing activities to develop an efficient regional observing system in Svalbard: Experiences from the SIOS remote sensing working group (RSWG) Online and in-person.


16:00-18:00 CEST

 Session European Polar Board

Looking back and ahead – the European Polar Board

Cooperation across national and disciplinary boundaries has long been characteristic of the European polar research community, conducive of its global leadership in research in the Arctic and the Antarctic. 


14:00-15:30 CEST

Session  European Polar Board

Introducing Polardex: Database of polar research infrastructure and planned routes. 

Polardex is a newly developed database of polar research infrastructure and planned routes. During this session, we will provide you with a walkthrough to become acquainted with Polardex and assist you with exploring the database yourselves. Hybrid session.


16:00-18:00 CEST


INTERACT Transnational Access User Community

The event will present the current state-of-the art in Arctic research conducted with support by INTERACT Transnational Access and seeks to spark new connections, networking and collaboration among the participants for future synthesis papers deriving from the ongoing research to address major global challenges of the future. Hybrid session.


9:30-13:00 CEST

Session SIOS

Diversity, equity, inclusion and field safety: an Arctic perspective

SIOS Knowledge Centre (SIOS)Association of Polar Early Career Scientists Canada (APECS Canada), Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) and University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) will co-convene this side meeting, which will be an arena for information exchange concerning how diversity, equity and inclusion relates to field safety in cold and remote environments. 


13:00-15:00 CEST

 Workshop EU-PolarNet2

Norwegian contributions to networking and polar research in Horizon Europe

The workshop will mobilise the Norwegian Polar Research Community to more actively participate in shaping polar research priorities and participation in Horizon Europe.


14:00-18:00 CEST

Workshop CAPARDUS The workshop will discuss how guidelines, standards and best practices evolve in research, resource exploitation and management, shipping, tourism and community planning in the Arctic.


14:00-18:00 CEST
