

ICE-ARC (Ice, Climate, Economics – Arctic Research on Change) will look into the current and future changes in Arctic sea ice – both from changing atmospheric and oceanic conditions. The project will also investigate the consequences of these changes both…

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iCUPE – Integrative and Comprehensive Understanding on Polar Environments – answers to ERA-PLANET (European network for observing our changing planet) thematic strand 4 (Polar areas and natural resources). The project is motivated by the fact that the role of polar regions…

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INTAROS aimed to develop an integrated Arctic Observation System (iAOS) by extending, improving and unifying existing systems in the different regions of the Arctic. INTAROS has a strong multidisciplinary focus, with tools for integration of data from atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere…



Climate change affects the Arctic more than twice as much as any other region on Earth. Moreover, the impact of climate change in the Arctic is not geographically limited but causes hazardous events worldwide. Understanding and predicting potential events requires…



KEPLER was a multi-partner initiative, built around the operational European Ice Services and Copernicus information providers, to prepare a roadmap for Copernicus to deliver an improved European capacity for monitoring and forecasting the Polar Regions.



Most human activity in the Arctic takes place along permafrost coasts, making them a key interface. They have become one of the most dynamic ecosystems on Earth because permafrost thaw is now exposing these coasts to rapid change: change that…

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PolarRES (Polar Regions in the Earth System) is an €8 million project, financed by the EU’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme for a period of 4 years beginning in September 2021. The PolarRES consortium consists of 17 partners from…

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A closer look at the interactions between atmosphere, ocean and ice sheets: Sea level rise (SLR) due to climate change is a serious global threat that is caused by land ice loss and ocean thermal expansion. It also results in…



Svalbard integrated Arctic Earth Observing System is an independent international research infrastructure building a regional observing system for long-term measurements in and around the High-Arctic archipelago Svalbard addressing Earth System Science questions. SIOS integrates the existing distributed observational infrastructure and…

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SO-CHIC (Southern Ocean Carbon and Heat Impact on Climate): To understand and quantify variability of heat and carbon budgets in the Southern Ocean through an investigation of the key processes controlling exchanges between the atmosphere, ocean and sea ice using…

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