Cluster structure


The Cluster is structured along Working groups and Action groups.

Working groups are ongoing activities applicable to selected Cluster members. These are smaller groups which include people from relevant projects, and with a few people responsible – “Cluster Curators”.


Current groups (with representatives as applicable) are:

  • Communications (website, social media, Catalyst Platform)
  • Stakeholders – Indigenous, Industry, Policy advisors
  • (International) Cooperation
  • Observation & Remote Sensing


Action groups are science planning groups – projects coming together based on a topic. These are short lived – they will not last more than a few months, and will have clear goals, deliverables, and outcomes. They will have deadlines, and will end after a period.

Participation is not only for coordinators, but for anyone involved in a project. 

The groups are based on activities such as:

  • Horizon Results Booster (ending: January 2023)
  • Policy Advice
  • Webinars
  • Workshops
  • Training
  • Greater engagement and integration for new projects
  • Science planning