How to join the EU Polar Cluster?

Who can join the EU Polar Cluster?

Projects with a focus on polar research, observations, infrastructure and/or modelling activities funded by the European Commission under the societal challenges of the Horizon 2020 programme and under Pillar 2 of the Horizon Europe Programme (or EU funding mechanisms of similar scale), or EU-funded projects for which Cluster membership is obligatory according to their grant agreement are eligible to apply for membership of the EU Polar Cluster.

How to join the EU Polar Cluster?

To apply for membership of the Cluster, or in case it is obligatory for your project to become a Cluster member, please contact the coordination team first. Once your admission is confirmed, you will be asked to provide the following information: the project’s aims and objectives, lifetime, funding source, public deliverables of interest to the Cluster, and primary representative contact. The information will be submitted via this form:

Information that new members need to submit

1. Information about the project/organisation

Each Project Member needs to provide the following information for the Member page at the website and the Member fact sheets. Each new member receives a template for a fact sheet to fill in when they become a member of the Cluster.

  1. A publishable project summary (please have a look at the fact sheets for examples).
  2. High resolution project logo.
  3. Project contact details, including project website and social media links, via this form:
  4. Individual contact details, for those who indicated they are happy to share details via the Project contact details form.
  5. Tags via the project tags form
  6. Images (optional) or any relevant infographics you would like to share.
2. Project tags

Project tags help us to sort projects according to certain categories. It also makes it easier to find the projects on our website. Please fill in this form for your project/organisation:

3. Information about Assemblies; Cluster introduction

During our last EU Polar Cluster Assembly in Brussels in June, 2022, it was agreed that a representative of the EU Polar Cluster coordination team would present the Cluster to the full consortium of each of its members at their Annual Meetings (in-person or online). Please get in touch with the Cluster coordination team to organise a slot for a Cluster presentation at your Annual meeting.